Learn Japanese


Ohayou gozaimasu.
Good Morning.
Good Afternoon.
Good Evening.
Don't over use sayounara.  It is normally only used when you will not be seeing the person you're departing from for a long period of time.  It is even used when seeing someone for the last time.  But it should not be used when you will be right back.
Bai bai
Jaa ne. Jaa.
See you.
Jaa mata atode. Jaa mata.
See you again.
There are many versions of "see you again" so listen carefully.  You may here a version not listed here.
Doumo arigatou. Arigatou.
Thank you.
These are very standard ways to say "thank you".  Arigatou is similar to saying "thanks".
Arigatou gozaimasu.
Thank you.
This version of "thank you" is much more polite than just plain arigatou.
Doumo arigatou gozaimasu.
Thank you very much.
This is the most polite version of "thank you".
Dou itashimashite.
You are welcome.
Shibaraku desu ne.
Long time no see.
Ohisashiburi desu.
It's been a long time.
Tanjoubi omedetou.
Happy Birthday.
Akemashite omedetou.
Happy New Years.
Ogenki desu ka.
How are you?
You might here the informal version of this phrase.  It is genki desu ka.
Genki desu.
I am fine.

Self Introduction

Nice to meet you.
Onamae wa nan desu ka.
What is your name?
(your name) to moushimasu.
I am (your name). (polite and humble)
Tanaka desu.
I am Tanaka. (simple but correct)
Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.
There is no exact translation available, but this phrase is said when you first meet somebody usually after you have said your name. It is also used in many other occasions to mean “I request of you.” when one person is requesting something of someone.
Doko kara kimashita ka.
Where did you come from?
__________ kara kimashita.
I came from __________.
Doko ni sundeimasu ka.
Where do you live?
__________ ni sundeimasu.
I live in __________.
Nan sai desu ka.
How old are you?
Ni juu go sai desu.
I am 25 years old.
Nan sai ni miemasu ka.
How old do I look?
___________ ni miemasu.
You look __________.


Nihongo o benkyou shiteimasu.
I am studying Japanese.
Wakarimasu ka.
Do you understand?
Hai, wakarimasu.
Yes, I understand.
iie, wakarimasen.
No, I don't understand.
Nihongo ga hanasemasu ka.
Can you speak Japanese?
Eigo ga hanasemasu ka.
Can you speak English?
A little.
Not at all.
Mou ichido itte kudasai.
Please say it once again.
Motto yukkuri itte kudasai.
Please speak more slowly.
Motto hakkiri itte kudasai.
Please speak more clearly. (this could be rude)
Chotto matte kudasai.
Wait a moment please.
Go ahead. / Please.
Excuse me. / Sorry.
I am sorry. / Please forgive me.
Nihongo de nan desu ka.
What is it in Japanese?
Eigo de nan desu ka.
What is it in English?


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